Is M-sand can be used for construction?

The direct answer is M-sand can be used for construction but the slighter difference in mixing ratio can affect the quality of the mix.

What is M-sand ?

M-sand[Manufactured sand] is produced by crushing large hard stones into fine aggregates. M-sand is manufactured in  factory. M-sand is used for construction purposes since there is a high demand for river sand.

Using m-sand

  • Concrete using M-sand attains higher compressive strength compared to concrete using  river sand.
  • The strength of masonry wall using M-sand is higher than river sand.
  • Durability and workability of concrete using m-sand is higher.
  • The setting time of M-sand used concrete is quick compared to river sand used concrete. 

Advantages of m-sand

  • Quality is controlled as manufactured in factory.
  • No slit contents can be used directly.
  • M-sand is economic compared  river sand.
  • Quick setting time and yields higher strength.
  • Eco friendly and wastage can be reduced.

Disadvantages of m-sand

  • Curing must be highly concentrated.
  • Ratio of concrete must be done properly.
  • In m-sand moisture is available only in washed m-sand where as in sand moisture is trapped in between the particles.
Acasa construction

Which sand can be used for house construction?

Comparatively both M-sand and River sand can be used for construction purposes.

Depending upon the following factors River sand is preferable.

  • Ease of use.
  • Less air cracks on plastering.

Depending upon the following factors M-sand is preferable.

It’s better and advisable to use m-sand for construction purposes.

Is M-sand can be used for construction? Yes! M-sand can be used for construction.


M-sand can be used for house construction purposes. It is advisable to use M-sand with proper guidance .

Widely said it also slightly has higher room temperature compared to river sand.

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